Documenting project
semlanik edited this page 4 years ago

Documentation generation

Project uses doxygen for documentation generation.

For Windows additionally install:

You can generate documentation:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --target doc

Common commenting rules

Please use:

  • //! or /*! */ for comment blocks
  • \<directive> for special commands

Grouping modules

There are two groups/modules in doxygen QtProtobuf and QtGrpc assigned accordingly.

Please use following style to add couple classes to group:

*  \addtogroup QtProtobuf
*  \{
 * \brief The Some class1 description
class Some1 {

 * \brief The Some class2 description
class Some2 {
/*! \} */

And simplified for single class:

 * \ingroup QtGrpc
 * \brief The Some class description
class Some {

TODO: qdoc documenting upcomming