Protobuf generator and bindings for Qt framework

Alexey Edelev d098fa300a Update 5 vuotta sitten
3rdparty d4b0e93ab9 Tune windows build procedure 5 vuotta sitten
cmake 5ab6a3275f Update fix of non-notifiable operator= 5 vuotta sitten
examples 28ea60c5d6 Add qt-style headers generation 5 vuotta sitten
src 5ab6a3275f Update fix of non-notifiable operator= 5 vuotta sitten
tests 5ab6a3275f Update fix of non-notifiable operator= 5 vuotta sitten
.gitignore 7495ae7751 Initial version of generator 6 vuotta sitten
.gitmodules d4b0e93ab9 Tune windows build procedure 5 vuotta sitten
CMakeLists.txt 28ea60c5d6 Add qt-style headers generation 5 vuotta sitten a29546b851 Unify doxy comments style 5 vuotta sitten
LICENSE 3beab4ea24 Implement move semantic for generated classes, update copyrights. 6 vuotta sitten b289fe37b4 Fix cmake dependencies for file generation 5 vuotta sitten d098fa300a Update 5 vuotta sitten


gRPC and Protobuf generator and bindings for Qt framework

see Protobuf and gRPC for more information

Linux Build


Check installation of protobuf and grpc in your system. Minimum required versions are protobuf-3.6.0 and grpc-1.15.0.

Note: Older versions could be supported as well but not officially tested.

For Ubuntu

Install GRPC packages in system:

sudo apt-get install libgrpc++-dev protobuf-compiler-grpc libgrpc++1 libgrpc-dev libgrpc6

All-in-one build

If required versions of libraries are not found in your system, you may use all-in-one build procedure for prerequesties

Update submodules to fetch 3rdparty dependencies:

git submodule update --init --recursive


mkdir build
cd build

#In case Qt installed in system, use:
cmake ..

#In case you have Qt installed from qt installer, use:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="<path/to/qt/installation>/Qt<qt_version>/<qt_version>/gcc_64/lib/cmake"

cmake --build . [--config <RELEASE|DEBUG>] -- -j<N>

Windows Build


Download and install:

  • Qt 5.12.3 or higher 1
  • cmake-3.1 or higher 2
  • Strawberry perl 5.28 3
  • GoLang 1.10 or higher 4
  • Yasm 1.3 or higher 5
  • Actual Visual Studio Compiler with cmake support that required by Qt 6

Note: All applications should be in PATH

Update submodules to fetch 3rdparty dependencies:

git submodule update --init --recursive


Open Qt MSVC command line and follow steps:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x86
cd <directory with qtprotobuf project>
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . [--config <RELEASE|DEBUG>] -- /m:<N>

Note: 64-bit build is not supported yet


Direct usage of generator

protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-qtprotobuf=<path/to/bin>/qtprotobufgen --qtprotobuf_out=<output_dir> <protofile>.proto [--qtprotobuf_opt=out=<output_dir>]

Integration with project

You can integrate QtProtobuf as submodule in your project or as installed in system package. Add following line in your project CMakeLists.txt:

find_package(QtProtobufProject CONFIG REQUIRED COMPONENTS QtProtobuf QtGrpc)
# Function below generates source files for specified PROTO_FILES,
# writes result to STATIC library target and saves its name to 
# ${QtProtobuf_GENERATED} variable
generate_qtprotobuf(TARGET MyTarget
add_executable(MyTarget main.cpp) # Add your target here
target_link_libraries(MyTarget ${QtProtobuf_GENERATED})


You also may pre-specify expected generated headers to prevent dummy-parser mistakes

    # List of artifacts expected after qtprotobufgen job done.
    # Usually it's full list of messages in all packages with .h header suffix
generate_qtprotobuf(TARGET MyTarget

CMake functions reference


generate_qtprotobuf is cmake helper function that automatically generates STATIC library target from your .proto files

Due to cmake restrictions it's required to specify resulting artifacts manually as list of header files expected after generator job finished.


TARGET - name of you target that will be base for generated target name

OUT_DIR - output directory that will contain generated artifacts. Usually subfolder in build directory should be used

GENERATED_HEADERS - List of header files expected after generator job finished

EXCLUDE_HEADERS - List of header files to be excluded from pre-parsed list of expected header files (e.g. nested messages that are not supported by QtProtobuf generator)

PROTO_FILES - List of .proto files that will be used in generation procedure


QtProtobuf_GENERATED - variable that will contain generated STATIC library target name

Usefull definitions

QTPROTOBUF_MAKE_COVERAGE - if TRUE/ON, QtProtobuf will be built with gcov intergration, to collect code coverage reports(usefull for developers). FALSE by default

QTPROTOBUF_MAKE_TESTS - if TRUE/ON, tests for QtProtobuf will be built. TRUE by default

QTPROTOBUF_MAKE_EXAMPLES - if TRUE/ON, built-in examples will be built. TRUE by default

QTPROTOBUF_EXECUTABLE - contains full path to QtProtobuf generator add_executable

Running tests

cd <build directory>

Documentation generation

Project uses doxygen for documentation generation.

For Windows additionally install:

You can generate documentation:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --target doc