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Add doxy to QAbstractProtobufSerializer interface

Alexey Edelev 5 years ago
1 changed files with 95 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 95 0

+ 95 - 0

@@ -76,21 +76,116 @@ public:
     using SerializerRegistry = std::unordered_map<int/*metatypeid*/, SerializationHandlers>;
     virtual ~QAbstractProtobufSerializer() = default;
+    /*!
+     * \brief serializeProperty Method called on property serialization cycle.
+     * \param[in] propertyValue Value of property and metainformation stored in QVariant
+     * \param[in] fieldIndex index of property in message
+     * \param[in] isEnum Flag that indicates property of enum type
+     * \return Raw serialized data represented as byte array
+     */
     virtual QByteArray serializeProperty(const QVariant &propertyValue, int fieldIndex, bool isEnum) = 0;
+    /*!
+     * \brief deserializeProperty Method called on property deserialization cycle
+     * \param[out] object Property value will be written to the given QObject.
+     * \param[in] it Pointer to next chunk of raw data received from channel
+     * \param[in] propertyOrdering Ordering of properties for given \a object
+     * \param[in] metaObject Static meta object of given \a object. Static meta object usualy is used to get actual
+     *            property value and write new property to \a object
+     */
     virtual void deserializeProperty(QObject *object, QProtobufSelfcheckIterator &it, const QProtobufPropertyOrdering &propertyOrdering, const QMetaObject &metaObject) = 0;
+    /*!
+     * \brief serializeObject Serializes complete \a object according given \a propertyOrdering and \a metaObject
+     *        information
+     * \param[in] object Pointer to object to be serialized
+     * \param[in] propertyOrdering Protobuf order of QObject properties
+     * \param[in] metaObject Meta object information for given \a object
+     * \return Raw serialized data represented as byte array
+     */
     virtual QByteArray serializeObject(const QObject *object, const QProtobufPropertyOrdering &propertyOrdering, const QMetaObject &metaObject) = 0;
+    /*!
+     * \brief deserializeObject Deserializes buffer to an \a object
+     * \param[out] object Pointer to allocated object
+     * \param[in] it Pointer to beging of buffer where object serialized data is located
+     * \param[in] propertyOrdering Ordering of properties for given \a object
+     * \param[in] metaObject Static meta object of given \a object. Static meta object usualy is used to get actual
+     *        property value and write new property to \a object
+     */
     virtual void deserializeObject(QObject *object, QProtobufSelfcheckIterator &it, const QProtobufPropertyOrdering &propertyOrdering, const QMetaObject &metaObject) = 0;
+    /*!
+     * \brief serializeListObject Method called to serialize \a object as a part of list property
+     * \param[in] object Pointer to object that will be serialized
+     * \param[in] propertyOrdering Ordering of properties for given \a object
+     * \param[in] metaObject Static meta object of given \a object
+     * \param[in] fieldIndex Index of list property in target message
+     * \return Raw serialized data represented as byte array
+     */
     virtual QByteArray serializeListObject(const QObject *object, const QProtobufPropertyOrdering &propertyOrdering, const QMetaObject &metaObject, int fieldIndex) = 0;
+    /*!
+     * \brief deserializeListObject Deserializes an \a object from byte stream as part of list property
+     * \param[out] object Pointer to allocated object, that will be appended to list property
+     * \param[in] it Pointer to beging of buffer where object serialized data is located
+     * \param[in] propertyOrdering Ordering of properties for given \a object
+     * \param[in] metaObject Static meta object of given \a object. Static meta object usualy is used to get actual
+     *        property value and write new property to \a object
+     */
     virtual void deserializeListObject(QObject *object, QProtobufSelfcheckIterator &it, const QProtobufPropertyOrdering &propertyOrdering, const QMetaObject &metaObject) = 0;
+    /*!
+     * \brief serializeMapPair Serializes QMap pair of \a key and \a value to raw data buffer
+     * \param[in] key Map key
+     * \param[in] value Map value for given \a key
+     * \param[in] fieldIndex Index of map property in message
+     * \return Raw serialized data represented as byte array
+     *
+     * \see for details
+     */
     virtual QByteArray serializeMapPair(const QVariant &key, const QVariant &value, int fieldIndex) = 0;
+    /*!
+     * \brief deserializeMapPair Deserializes QMap pair of \a key and \a value from raw data
+     * \param[out] key Buffer that will be used to store deserialized key. When passed to function, QVariant
+     *        already stores default constructed value. So it's possible to receive meta information about type from it.
+     * \param[out] value Buffer that will be used to store deserialized value. When passed to function, QVariant
+     *        already stores default constructed value. So it's possible to receive meta information about type from it.
+     * \param[in] it Points to serialized raw key/value data
+     *
+     * \see for details
+     */
     virtual void deserializeMapPair(QVariant &key, QVariant &value, QProtobufSelfcheckIterator &it) = 0;
+    /*!
+     * \brief serializeObjectCommon Common routine to iterate object properties. Could be used in serializer
+     *        implementations. But in practice is private interface for QProtobufSerializerRegistry
+     * \param[in] object Pointer to object to be serialized
+     * \param[in] propertyOrdering Ordering of properties for given \a object
+     * \param[in] metaObject Static meta object of given \a object.
+     * \return Raw serialized data represented as byte array
+     */
     QByteArray serializeObjectCommon(const QObject *object, const QProtobufPropertyOrdering &propertyOrdering, const QMetaObject &metaObject);
+    /*!
+     * \brief deserializeObjectCommon Common routine to iterate object properties. Could be used in serializer
+     *        implementations. But in practice is private interface for QProtobufSerializerRegistry
+     * \param[out] object Pointer to allocated object
+     * \param[in] array Complete message buffer received from transport stream
+     * \param[in] propertyOrdering Ordering of properties for given \a object
+     * \param[in] metaObject Static meta object of given \a object. Static meta object usualy is used to get actual
+     *        property value and write new property to \a object
+     */
     void deserializeObjectCommon(QObject *object, const QByteArray &array, const QProtobufPropertyOrdering &propertyOrdering, const QMetaObject &metaObject);
+    /*!
+     * \brief handlers Method to access serializers set provided by serializer
+     * \return Serializers set provided by serializer
+     *
+     * \note In practice this method is interface for QProtobufSerializerRegistry
+     */
     const SerializerRegistry& handlers() { return m_handlers; }