@@ -36,12 +36,61 @@
namespace QtProtobuf {
+ * \ingroup QtProtobuf
+ * \brief The QProtobufSerializationPluginInterface class is interface that provides possibility
+ * to load serialization/deserialization implementations to project via Qt plugin mechanism.
+ *
+ * \details This class should be used as parent of main plugin class. Inherited class should reimplement
+ * scope of virtual methods that used by serialization/deserialization functionality. Plugin interface name
+ * should be declared via Q_INTERFACES macros. Plugin must provide metadata information about itself.
+ * Information is stored in json format and attached to plugin using Q_PLUGIN_METADATA macros. \n
+ * An example of class source code:
+ *
+ * \code{.cpp}
+ * class SERIALIZATIONSHARED_EXPORT QtSerializationPlugin : public QObject, QtProtobuf::QProtobufSerializationPluginInterface
+ * {
+ * Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID SerializatorInterface_iid FILE "serializeinfo.json")
+ * Q_INTERFACES(QtProtobuf::QProtobufSerializationPluginInterface)
+ *
+ * public:
+ * QtSerializationPlugin();
+ * ~QtSerializationPlugin() = default;
+ *
+ * virtual std::shared_ptr<QtProtobuf::QAbstractProtobufSerializer> serializer(const QString &serializerName);
+ *
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * An example of json file:
+ *
+ * \code{.json}
+ * {
+ * "name":"Test Plugin",
+ * "author":"Jhon Smith",
+ * "version":1.0,
+ * "protobufVersion":1.0,
+ * "types":["protobuf", "json"],
+ * "rating":0
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * Plugins are read by path that is defined by QT_PROTOBUF_PLUGIN_PATH variable.
+ * QtProtobuf reads plugins metadata list from protobuf plugin folder and provides to user possibility to choose plugin and serializer for serialization/deserialization.
+ *
+ */
class Q_PROTOBUF_EXPORT QProtobufSerializationPluginInterface
explicit QProtobufSerializationPluginInterface() = default;
virtual ~QProtobufSerializationPluginInterface() = default;
+ /*!
+ * \brief Method finds and returns pointer to specific serialization implementation by serializer name, otherwise returns nullptr.
+ * \param[in] name of specific serializer that should be supplied by plugin.
+ * \return An object to serializer realization.
+ */
virtual std::shared_ptr<QtProtobuf::QAbstractProtobufSerializer> serializer(const QString &serializerName) = 0;