@@ -46,50 +46,6 @@
namespace qtprotobuf {
-template <typename V,
- typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<V>::value
- && std::is_unsigned<V>::value, int> = 0>
-static V deserializeVarintCommon(SelfcheckIterator &it) {
- qProtoDebug() << __func__ << "currentByte:" << QString::number((*it), 16);
- V value = 0;
- int k = 0;
- while (true) {
- uint64_t byte = static_cast<uint64_t>(*it);
- value += (byte & 0b01111111) << k;
- k += 7;
- if (((*it) & 0b10000000) == 0) {
- break;
- }
- ++it;
- }
- ++it;
- return value;
-template <typename V,
- typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<V>::value
- && std::is_unsigned<V>::value, int> = 0>
-static QByteArray serializeVarintCommon(const V &value) {
- qProtoDebug() << __func__ << "value" << value;
- V varint = value;
- QByteArray result;
- while (varint != 0) {
- //Put 7 bits to result buffer and mark as "not last" (0b10000000)
- result.append((varint & 0b01111111) | 0b10000000);
- //Divide values to chunks of 7 bits and move to next chunk
- varint >>= 7;
- }
- if (result.isEmpty()) {
- result.append('\0');
- }
- result.data()[result.size() - 1] &= ~0b10000000;
- return result;
class QTPROTOBUFSHARED_EXPORT ProtobufObjectPrivate
ProtobufObjectPrivate() = delete;
@@ -110,45 +66,22 @@ public:
static void registerSerializers();
- static QByteArray encodeHeader(int fieldIndex, WireTypes wireType);
- static bool decodeHeader(SelfcheckIterator &it, int &fieldIndex, WireTypes &wireType);
+ static QByteArray serializeProperty(const QVariant &propertyValue, int fieldIndex, bool isEnum);
+ static void deserializeProperty(QObject *object, SelfcheckIterator &it, const std::unordered_map<int, int> &propertyOrdering, const QMetaObject &metaObject);
+ static QByteArray serializeObject(const QObject *object, const std::unordered_map<int, int> &propertyOrdering, const QMetaObject &metaObject);
+ static void deserializeObject(QObject *object, SelfcheckIterator &it, const std::unordered_map<int, int> &propertyOrdering, const QMetaObject &metaObject);
- static QByteArray serializeProperty(const QVariant &propertyValue, int fieldIndex, const QMetaProperty &metaProperty);
- static QByteArray serializeUserType(const QVariant &propertyValue, int &fieldIndex, WireTypes &type);
+ static QByteArray serializeListObject(const QObject *object, const std::unordered_map<int, int> &propertyOrdering, const QMetaObject &metaObject, int fieldIndex);
- static void deserializeProperty(QObject *object, const QMetaProperty &metaProperty, SelfcheckIterator &it, WireTypes wireType);
- static void deserializeUserType(const QMetaProperty &metaProperty, SelfcheckIterator &it, QVariant &out);
+ static QByteArray serializeMapPair(const QVariant &key, const QVariant &value, int fieldIndex);
+ static void deserializeMapPair(QVariant &key, QVariant &value, SelfcheckIterator &it);
+ static QByteArray serializeObjectCommon(const QObject *object, const std::unordered_map<int, int> &propertyOrdering, const QMetaObject &metaObject);//TODO make protected
+ static void deserializeObjectCommon(QObject *object, const QByteArray &array, const std::unordered_map<int, int> &propertyOrdering, const QMetaObject &metaObject);//TODO make protected
// Serialization helpers
- /**
- * @brief Gets length of a byte-array and prepends to it its serialized length value
- * using the appropriate serialization algorithm
- *
- *
- * @param[in, out] serializedList Byte-array to be prepended
- */
- static void prependLengthDelimitedSize(QByteArray &serializedList)
- {
- serializedList.prepend(serializeVarintCommon<uint32_t>(serializedList.size()));
- }
- //----------------Serialize length delimited bytes and strings---------------
- static QByteArray serializeLengthDelimited(const QString &data) {
- qProtoDebug() << __func__ << "data.size" << data.size() << "data" << data;
- return serializeLengthDelimited(data.toUtf8());
- }
- static QByteArray serializeLengthDelimited(const QByteArray &data) {
- qProtoDebug() << __func__ << "data.size" << data.size() << "data" << data.toHex();
- QByteArray result(data);
- //Varint serialize field size and apply result as starting point
- prependLengthDelimitedSize(result);
- return result;
- }
//------------------------Serialize lists of any type------------------------
template<typename V,
typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<QObject, V>::value, int> = 0>
@@ -166,8 +99,7 @@ public:
qProtoWarning() << "Null pointer in list";
- serializedList.append(encodeHeader(outFieldIndex, LengthDelimited));
- serializedList.append(serializeLengthDelimited(serializeObject<V>(value.data())));
+ serializedList.append(serializeListObject(value.data(), V::propertyOrdering, V::staticMetaObject, outFieldIndex));
outFieldIndex = NotUsedFieldIndex;
@@ -182,15 +114,9 @@ public:
QMap<K,V> mapValue = value.value<QMap<K,V>>();
using ItType = typename QMap<K,V>::const_iterator;
QByteArray mapResult;
- auto kSerializer = serializers.at(qMetaTypeId<K>());//Throws exception if not found
- auto vSerializer = serializers.at(qMetaTypeId<V>());//Throws exception if not found
for ( ItType it = mapValue.constBegin(); it != mapValue.constEnd(); it++) {
- QByteArray result;
- result = mapSerializeHelper<K, 1>(it.key(), kSerializer) + mapSerializeHelper<V, 2>(it.value(), vSerializer);
- prependLengthDelimitedSize(result);
- result.prepend(encodeHeader(outFieldIndex, LengthDelimited));
- mapResult.append(result);
+ mapResult.append(serializeMapPair(QVariant::fromValue<K>(it.key()), QVariant::fromValue<V>(it.value()), outFieldIndex));
outFieldIndex = NotUsedFieldIndex;
return mapResult;
@@ -202,61 +128,21 @@ public:
QMap<K, QSharedPointer<V>> mapValue = value.value<QMap<K, QSharedPointer<V>>>();
using ItType = typename QMap<K, QSharedPointer<V>>::const_iterator;
QByteArray mapResult;
- auto kSerializer = serializers.at(qMetaTypeId<K>());//Throws exception if not found
- auto vSerializer = serializers.at(qMetaTypeId<V *>());//Throws exception if not found
for ( ItType it = mapValue.constBegin(); it != mapValue.constEnd(); it++) {
- QByteArray result;
if (it.value().isNull()) {
qProtoWarning() << __func__ << "Trying to serialize map value that contains nullptr";
- result = mapSerializeHelper<K, 1>(it.key(), kSerializer) + mapSerializeHelper<V, 2>(it.value().data(), vSerializer);
- prependLengthDelimitedSize(result);
- result.prepend(encodeHeader(outFieldIndex, LengthDelimited));
- mapResult.append(result);
+ mapResult.append(serializeMapPair(QVariant::fromValue<K>(it.key()), QVariant::fromValue<V *>(it.value().data()), outFieldIndex));
outFieldIndex = NotUsedFieldIndex;
return mapResult;
- template <typename V, int num,
- typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_base_of<QObject, V>::value, int> = 0>
- static QByteArray mapSerializeHelper(const V &value, const SerializationHandlers &handlers) {
- int mapIndex = num;
- QByteArray result = handlers.serializer(QVariant::fromValue<V>(value), mapIndex);
- if (mapIndex != NotUsedFieldIndex
- && handlers.type != UnknownWireType) {
- result.prepend(encodeHeader(mapIndex, handlers.type));
- }
- return result;
- }
- template <typename V, int num,
- typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<QObject, V>::value, int> = 0>
- static QByteArray mapSerializeHelper(V *value, const SerializationHandlers &handlers) {
- int mapIndex = num;
- QByteArray result = handlers.serializer(QVariant::fromValue<V *>(value), mapIndex);
- if (mapIndex != NotUsedFieldIndex
- && handlers.type != UnknownWireType) {
- result.prepend(encodeHeader(mapIndex, handlers.type));
- }
- return result;
- }
// Deserialization helpers
- //---------------Deserialize length delimited bytes and strings--------------
- static QByteArray deserializeLengthDelimited(SelfcheckIterator &it) {
- qProtoDebug() << __func__ << "currentByte:" << QString::number((*it), 16);
- unsigned int length = deserializeVarintCommon<uint32>(it);
- QByteArray result((QByteArray::const_iterator&)it, length);
- it += length;
- return result;
- }
//-----------------------Deserialize lists of any type-----------------------
template <typename V,
typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<QObject, V>::value, int> = 0>
@@ -275,56 +161,28 @@ public:
typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_base_of<QObject, V>::value, int> = 0>
static void deserializeMap(SelfcheckIterator &it, QVariant &previous) {
qProtoDebug() << __func__ << "currentByte:" << QString::number((*it), 16);
- QMap<K,V> out = previous.value<QMap<K,V>>();
- int mapIndex = 0;
- WireTypes type = WireTypes::UnknownWireType;
- K key;
- V value;
- unsigned int count = deserializeVarintCommon<uint32>(it);
- qProtoDebug() << __func__ << "count:" << count;
- SelfcheckIterator last = it + count;
- while (it != last) {
- decodeHeader(it, mapIndex, type);
- if(mapIndex == 1) {
- key = deserializeMapHelper<K>(it);
- } else {
- value = deserializeMapHelper<V>(it);
- }
- }
- out[key] = value;
- previous = QVariant::fromValue<QMap<K,V>>(out);
+ QMap<K, V> out = previous.value<QMap<K, V>>();
+ QVariant key = QVariant::fromValue<K>(K());
+ QVariant value = QVariant::fromValue<V>(V());
+ deserializeMapPair(key, value, it);
+ out[key.value<K>()] = value.value<V>();
+ previous = QVariant::fromValue<QMap<K, V>>(out);
template <typename K, typename V,
typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<QObject, V>::value, int> = 0>
static void deserializeMap(SelfcheckIterator &it, QVariant &previous) {
qProtoDebug() << __func__ << "currentByte:" << QString::number((*it), 16);
- auto out = previous.value<QMap<K, QSharedPointer<V>>>();
- int mapIndex = 0;
- WireTypes type = WireTypes::UnknownWireType;
- K key;
- V *value;
- unsigned int count = deserializeVarintCommon<uint32>(it);
- qProtoDebug() << __func__ << "count:" << count;
- SelfcheckIterator last = it + count;
- while (it != last) {
- decodeHeader(it, mapIndex, type);
- if(mapIndex == 1) {
- key = deserializeMapHelper<K>(it);
- } else {
- value = deserializeMapHelper<V>(it);
- }
- }
+ auto out = previous.value<QMap<K, QSharedPointer<V>>>();
+ QVariant key = QVariant::fromValue<K>(K());
+ QVariant value = QVariant::fromValue<V *>(nullptr);
- out[key] = QSharedPointer<V>(value);
- previous = QVariant::fromValue<QMap<K,QSharedPointer<V>>>(out);
+ deserializeMapPair(key, value, it);
+ out[key.value<K>()] = QSharedPointer<V>(value.value<V *>());
+ previous = QVariant::fromValue<QMap<K, QSharedPointer<V>>>(out);
template <typename T,
@@ -345,6 +203,11 @@ public:
return value.value<T>();
+ static void deserializeMapField(QVariant &value, SelfcheckIterator &it) {
+ auto serializer = serializers.at(value.userType());//Throws exception if not found
+ serializer.deserializer(it, value);
+ }
//-----------------------Functions to work with objects------------------------
template<typename T>
static void registerSerializers() {
@@ -371,14 +234,14 @@ public:
template <typename T,
typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<QObject, T>::value, int> = 0>
static QByteArray serializeComplexType(const QVariant &value, int &/*outFieldIndex*/) {
- return ProtobufObjectPrivate::serializeLengthDelimited(serializeObject<T>(value.value<T *>()));
+ return ProtobufObjectPrivate::serializeObject(value.value<T *>(), T::propertyOrdering, T::staticMetaObject);
template <typename T,
typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<QObject, T>::value, int> = 0>
static void deserializeComplexType(SelfcheckIterator &it, QVariant &to) {
T *value = new T;
- deserializeObject<T>(value, ProtobufObjectPrivate::deserializeLengthDelimited(it));
+ deserializeObject(value, it, T::propertyOrdering, T::staticMetaObject);
to = QVariant::fromValue<T *>(value);
@@ -405,28 +268,9 @@ public:
template<typename T>
static QByteArray serializeObject(const QObject *object) {
qProtoDebug() << T::staticMetaObject.className() << "serialize";
- QByteArray result;
- for (const auto field : T::propertyOrdering) {
- int propertyIndex = field.second;
- int fieldIndex = field.first;
- QMetaProperty metaProperty = T::staticMetaObject.property(propertyIndex);
- const char *propertyName = metaProperty.name();
- const QVariant &propertyValue = object->property(propertyName);
- result.append(ProtobufObjectPrivate::serializeProperty(propertyValue, fieldIndex, metaProperty));
- }
- return result;
+ return serializeObjectCommon(object, T::propertyOrdering, T::staticMetaObject);
- // this set of 3 methods is used to skip bytes corresponding to an unexpected property
- // in a serialized message met while the message being deserialized
- static void skipVarint(SelfcheckIterator &it);
- static void skipLengthDelimited(SelfcheckIterator &it);
- static int skipSerializedFieldBytes(SelfcheckIterator &it, WireTypes type);
* @brief Deserialization of a byte-array into a registered qtproto message object
@@ -439,31 +283,7 @@ public:
template<typename T>
static void deserializeObject(QObject *object, const QByteArray &array) {
qProtoDebug() << T::staticMetaObject.className() << "deserialize";
- for (SelfcheckIterator it(array); it != array.end();) {
- //Each iteration we expect iterator is setup to beginning of next chunk
- int fieldNumber = NotUsedFieldIndex;
- WireTypes wireType = UnknownWireType;
- if (!ProtobufObjectPrivate::decodeHeader(it, fieldNumber, wireType)) {
- qProtoCritical() << "Message received doesn't contains valid header byte. "
- "Trying next, but seems stream is broken" << QString::number((*it), 16);
- throw std::invalid_argument("Message received doesn't contains valid header byte. "
- "Seems stream is broken");
- }
- auto propertyNumberIt = T::propertyOrdering.find(fieldNumber);
- if (propertyNumberIt == std::end(T::propertyOrdering)) {
- auto bytesCount = skipSerializedFieldBytes(it, wireType);
- qProtoWarning() << "Message received contains unexpected/optional field. WireType:" << wireType
- << ", field number: " << fieldNumber << "Skipped:" << (bytesCount + 1) << "bytes";
- continue;
- }
- int propertyIndex = propertyNumberIt->second;
- QMetaProperty metaProperty = T::staticMetaObject.property(propertyIndex);
- ProtobufObjectPrivate::deserializeProperty(object, metaProperty, it, wireType);
- }
+ deserializeObjectCommon(object, array, T::propertyOrdering, T::staticMetaObject);
@@ -499,47 +319,4 @@ public:
-// Common functions
-/*! @brief Encode a property field index and its type into output bytes
- *
- * @details
- * Header byte
- * Meaning | Field index | Type
- * ---------- | ------------- | --------
- * bit number | 7 6 5 4 3 | 2 1 0
- * @param fieldIndex The index of a property in parent object
- * @param wireType Serialization type used for the property with index @p fieldIndex
- *
- * @return Varint encoded fieldIndex and wireType
- */
-inline QByteArray ProtobufObjectPrivate::encodeHeader(int fieldIndex, WireTypes wireType)
- uint32_t header = (fieldIndex << 3) | wireType;
- return serializeVarintCommon<uint32_t>(header);
-/*! @brief Decode a property field index and its serialization type from input bytes
- *
- * @param[in] Iterator that points to header with encoded field index and serialization type
- * @param[out] fieldIndex Decoded index of a property in parent object
- * @param[out] wireType Decoded serialization type used for the property with index @p fieldIndex
- *
- * @return true if both decoded wireType and fieldIndex have "allowed" values and false, otherwise
- */
-inline bool ProtobufObjectPrivate::decodeHeader(SelfcheckIterator &it, int &fieldIndex, WireTypes &wireType)
- uint32_t header = deserializeVarintCommon<uint32_t>(it);
- wireType = static_cast<WireTypes>(header & 0b00000111);
- fieldIndex = header >> 3;
- constexpr int maxFieldIndex = (1 << 29) - 1;
- return fieldIndex <= maxFieldIndex && fieldIndex > 0 && (wireType == Varint
- || wireType == Fixed64
- || wireType == Fixed32
- || wireType == LengthDelimited);