@@ -105,11 +105,6 @@ public:
type = LengthDelimited;
- //TODO: explicit QList<TypeName> is more user friendly and performance efficient
- case QMetaType::QVariantList:
- type = LengthDelimited;
- result.append(serializeListType(propertyValue.toList(), fieldIndex));
- break;
case QMetaType::QStringList:
type = LengthDelimited;
result.append(serializeListType(propertyValue.toStringList(), fieldIndex));
@@ -238,32 +233,6 @@ public:
return serializedList;
- //TODO: This specialization is deprecated and won't be used in future
- QByteArray serializeListType(const QVariantList &listValue, int &outFieldIndex) const
- {
- qProtoDebug() << __func__ << "listValue.count" << listValue.count() << "outFiledIndex" << outFieldIndex;
- if (listValue.count() <= 0) {
- outFieldIndex = NotUsedFieldIndex;
- return QByteArray();
- }
- int itemType = listValue.first().type();
- //If internal serialized type is LengthDelimited, need to specify type for each field
- int inFieldIndex = (itemType == QMetaType::QString ||
- itemType == QMetaType::QByteArray ||
- itemType == QMetaType::User) ? outFieldIndex : NotUsedFieldIndex;
- QByteArray serializedList;
- for(auto& value : listValue) {
- serializedList.append(serializeValue(value, inFieldIndex));
- }
- //If internal field type is not LengthDelimited, exact amount of fields to be specified
- if(inFieldIndex == NotUsedFieldIndex) {
- serializedList.prepend(serializeVarint(static_cast<unsigned int>(serializedList.size())));
- } else {
- outFieldIndex = NotUsedFieldIndex;
- }
- return serializedList;
- }
template <typename V,
typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<V>::value
|| std::is_same<V, unsigned int>::value