@@ -338,27 +338,79 @@ public:
QMetaProperty metaProperty = T::staticMetaObject.property(propertyIndex);
- deserializeProperty(metaProperty, it);
+ deserializeProperty(wireType, metaProperty, it);
- void deserializeProperty(const QMetaProperty &metaProperty, QByteArray::const_iterator &it)
+ void deserializeProperty(WireTypes wireType, const QMetaProperty &metaProperty, QByteArray::const_iterator &it)
QVariant newPropertyValue;
switch(metaProperty.userType()) {
case QMetaType::UInt:
- //TODO: replace with template function for all fixed types
- newPropertyValue.setValue(*(unsigned int*)it);
- it += sizeof(unsigned int);
+ if (wireType == Fixed32) {
+ newPropertyValue = deserializeFixed<FixedInt32>(it);
+ } else {
+ newPropertyValue = deserializeVarint<unsigned int>(it);
+ }
case QMetaType::ULongLong:
- //TODO: replace with template function for all fixed types
- newPropertyValue.setValue(*(qulonglong*)it);
- it += sizeof(qulonglong);
+ if (wireType == Fixed64) {
+ newPropertyValue = deserializeFixed<FixedInt64>(it);
+ } else {
+ //TODO: deserialize varint
+ }
+ break;
+ case QMetaType::Float:
+ newPropertyValue = deserializeFixed<float>(it);
+ break;
+ case QMetaType::Double:
+ newPropertyValue = deserializeFixed<double>(it);
+ break;
+ case QMetaType::Int:
+ newPropertyValue = deserializeVarint<int>(it);
+ break;
+ default:
setProperty(metaProperty.name(), newPropertyValue);
+ template <typename V,
+ typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<V>::value
+ || std::is_same<V, unsigned int>::value
+ || std::is_same<V, qulonglong>::value, int> = 0>
+ QVariant deserializeFixed(QByteArray::const_iterator &it) {
+ QVariant newPropertyValue(QVariant::fromValue(*(V*)it));
+ it += sizeof(V);
+ return newPropertyValue;
+ }
+ template <typename V,
+ typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned<V>::value, int> = 0>
+ QVariant deserializeVarint(QByteArray::const_iterator &it) {
+ V value = 0;
+ while((*it) & 0x80) {
+ value += (*it) & 0x7f;
+ ++it;
+ }
+ value += (*it) & 0x7f;
+ it++;
+ return QVariant::fromValue(value);
+ }
+ template <typename V,
+ typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_signed<V>::value, int> = 0>
+ QVariant deserializeVarint(QByteArray::const_iterator &it) {
+ V value = 0;
+ while((*it) & 0x80) {
+ value += (*it) & 0x7f;
+ ++it;
+ }
+ value += (*it) & 0x7f;
+ it++;
+ return QVariant::fromValue(value);
+ }