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Add travis-ci integration for Windows build verification

- Add travis-ci integration
- Fix issues in test_qml related to wellknowntypes
- Add badge to README
Alexey Edelev 5 rokov pred
4 zmenil súbory, kde vykonal 87 pridanie a 5 odobranie
  1. 54 0
  2. 23 0
  3. 4 4
  4. 6 1

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+function Controller() {
+    installer.autoRejectMessageBoxes();
+    installer.installationFinished.connect(function() {
+        gui.clickButton(buttons.NextButton);
+    })
+Controller.prototype.WelcomePageCallback = function() {
+    gui.clickButton(buttons.NextButton, 3000);
+Controller.prototype.CredentialsPageCallback = function() {
+    gui.clickButton(buttons.NextButton);
+Controller.prototype.IntroductionPageCallback = function() {
+    gui.clickButton(buttons.NextButton);
+Controller.prototype.TargetDirectoryPageCallback = function()
+    gui.currentPageWidget().TargetDirectoryLineEdit.setText("C:/Qt");
+    gui.clickButton(buttons.NextButton);
+Controller.prototype.ComponentSelectionPageCallback = function() {
+    var widget = gui.currentPageWidget();
+    widget.deselectAll();
+    widget.selectComponent("qt.qt5.5132.win32_msvc2017");
+    gui.clickButton(buttons.NextButton);
+Controller.prototype.LicenseAgreementPageCallback = function() {
+    gui.currentPageWidget().AcceptLicenseRadioButton.setChecked(true);
+    gui.clickButton(buttons.NextButton);
+Controller.prototype.StartMenuDirectoryPageCallback = function() {
+    gui.clickButton(buttons.NextButton);
+Controller.prototype.ReadyForInstallationPageCallback = function()
+    gui.clickButton(buttons.NextButton);
+Controller.prototype.FinishedPageCallback = function() {
+var checkBoxForm = gui.currentPageWidget().LaunchQtCreatorCheckBoxForm
+if (checkBoxForm && checkBoxForm.launchQtCreatorCheckBox) {
+    checkBoxForm.launchQtCreatorCheckBox.checked = false;
+    gui.clickButton(buttons.FinishButton);

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+os: windows
+language: C++
+  only:
+  - master
+  - 0.1.0
+  - ci_check
+  - wget -q
+  - choco install golang
+  - choco install yasm
+  - ./qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.13.2.exe --script ./.ci/qt_installer_windows.qs
+  - mkdir build
+  - cd build
+  - setx GOROOT "c:\Go"
+  - setx path "%path%;C:\Qt\5.13.2\msvc2017\bin;C:\Go\bin;C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\yasm\tools"
+  - set GOROOT="c:\Go"
+  - set PATH="%PATH%;C:\Qt\5.13.2\msvc2017\bin;C:\Go\bin;C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\yasm\tools"
+  - cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="C:\Qt\5.13.2\msvc2017;C:\Go\bin;C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\yasm\tools" ..
+  - cmake --build .
+  - ctest -C DEBUG -E qtgrpc_*

+ 4 - 4

@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ gRPC and Protobuf generator and bindings for Qt framework
 ### Test results
-| Branch | Results |
-| --- | --- |
-| [master]( | ![]( |
-| [0.1.0]( | ![]( |
+| Branch | Results Linux | Results Windows |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| [master]( | ![]( | ![]( |
+| [0.1.0]( | ![]( | ![]( |
 # Table of contents

+ 6 - 1

@@ -9,7 +9,12 @@ file(GLOB SOURCES main.cpp)
 file(GLOB QML_FILES qml/tst_simple.qml)
 add_executable(${TARGET} ${SOURCES} ${QML_FILES})
-target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PRIVATE Qt5::Core Qt5::Qml Qt5::Network Qt5::Quick Qt5::Test Qt5::QuickTest QtProtobufProject::QtProtobuf QtProtobufProject::QtProtobufWellKnownTypes)
+target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PRIVATE Qt5::Core Qt5::Qml Qt5::Network Qt5::Quick Qt5::Test Qt5::QuickTest QtProtobufProject::QtProtobuf)
+if(TARGET QtProtobufProject::QtProtobufWellKnownTypes)
+    target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PRIVATE QtProtobufProject::QtProtobufWellKnownTypes)
 qtprotobuf_link_archive(${TARGET} qtprotobuf_test_qtprotobuf_gen)
 add_target_qml(TARGET ${TARGET} QML_FILES ${QML_FILES})