<b>SMD DIL08</b> Gull Wing Surface Mount Optioon 300<p> Source: http://www.avagotech.com/docs/AV02-0410EN >NAME >VALUE <b>Panasonic Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitor VS-Serie Package C</b> >NAME >VALUE ECAP (Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor), 12.30 X 12.50 mm body <p>ECAP (Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor) package with body size 12.30 X 12.50 mm</p> >NAME >VALUE 30-SON (DFN), 2.54 mm pitch, 43.00 X 17.50 X 1.20 mm body <p>30-pin SON (DFN) package with 2.54 mm pitch with body size 43.00 X 17.50 X 1.20 mm</p> >NAME >VALUE + + - >NAME >VALUE <b>SMD DIL08</b> <p> dual in line package' SMD DIL08 Gull Wing Surface Mount Optioon 300 Source: http://www.avagotech.com/docs/AV02-0410EN Panasonic Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitor VS-Serie Package C ECAP (Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor), 12.30 X 12.50 mm body <p>ECAP (Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor) package with body size 12.30 X 12.50 mm</p> 30-SON (DFN), 2.54 mm pitch, 43.00 X 17.50 X 1.20 mm body <p>30-pin SON (DFN) package with 2.54 mm pitch with body size 43.00 X 17.50 X 1.20 mm</p> The MAX5035 easy-to-use, high-efficiency, high-volt-age, step-down DC-DC converter operates from aninput voltage up to 76V and consumes only 270μA qui-escent current at no load. >NAME >VALUE + >NAME >VALUE >NAME VALUE + >NAME >VALUE The MAX5035 easy-to-use, high-efficiency, high-volt-age, step-down DC-DC converter operates from aninput voltage up to 76V and consumes only 270μA qui-escent current at no load. Ardino nano Since Version 8.3, EAGLE supports URNs for individual library assets (packages, symbols, and devices). The URNs of those assets will not be understood (or retained) with this version. Since Version 8.3, EAGLE supports the association of 3D packages with devices in libraries, schematics, and board files. Those 3D packages will not be understood (or retained) with this version.