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semlanik 11 years ago
3 changed files with 242 additions and 134 deletions
  1. 14 1
  2. 2 1
  3. 226 132

+ 14 - 1

@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ struct UBXMsgBuffer getCFG_MSG_RATES(enum UBXMessageClass msgClass, enum UBXMess
     return buffer;
-struct UBXMsgBuffer getCFG_RST(enum UBXResetMode mode, u_int16_t mask)
+struct UBXMsgBuffer getCFG_RST(int mode, UBXU2_t mask)
     int payloadSize = sizeof(struct UBXCFG_RST);
     struct UBXMsgBuffer buffer  = createBuffer(payloadSize);
@@ -147,6 +147,19 @@ struct UBXMsgBuffer getCFG_RST(enum UBXResetMode mode, u_int16_t mask)
     return buffer;
+struct UBXMsgBuffer getCFG_RST_OPT(enum UBXBBRSpecialSets special, UBXU2_t mask)
+    int payloadSize = sizeof(struct UBXCFG_RST);
+    struct UBXMsgBuffer buffer  = createBuffer(payloadSize);
+    struct UBXMsg* msg = (struct UBXMsg*);
+    initMsg(msg, payloadSize, UBXMsgClassCFG, UBXMsgIdCFG_RST);
+    msg->payload.CFG_RST.resetMode = special;
+    msg->payload.CFG_RST.navBBRMask = mask;
+    completeMsg(&buffer, payloadSize);
+    return buffer;
 struct UBXMsgBuffer getCFG_TP5_POLL_OPT(enum UBXCFGTimepulses tpIdx)
     int payloadSize = sizeof(struct UBXCFG_TP5_POLL_OPT);

+ 2 - 1

@@ -137,7 +137,8 @@ extern struct UBXMsgBuffer getCFG_RATE_POLL();
 extern struct UBXMsgBuffer getCFG_RATE(UBXU2_t measRate, UBXU2_t navRate, UBXU2_t timeRef);
 extern struct UBXMsgBuffer getCFG_RINV(UBXX1_t flags, UBXU1_t *data, int dataSize);
 extern struct UBXMsgBuffer getCFG_RINV_POLL();
-extern struct UBXMsgBuffer getCFG_RST(enum UBXResetMode mode, u_int16_t mask);
+extern struct UBXMsgBuffer getCFG_RST(int mode, UBXU2_t mask);
+extern struct UBXMsgBuffer getCFG_RST_OPT(enum UBXBBRSpecialSets special, UBXU2_t mask);
 extern struct UBXMsgBuffer getCFG_RXM(UBXU1_t lpMode //See UBXRXMLowPowerModes to fill this field
 extern struct UBXMsgBuffer getCFG_RXM_POLL();

+ 226 - 132

@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
  * File: ubxmessage.h
+/*! \file */
@@ -84,162 +85,209 @@ typedef double         UBXR8_t;
 typedef char           UBXCH_t;
+ * \enum UBXMessageClass
+ * \brief UBXMessageClass is a grouping of messages which are related to each other.
+ *        The following table lists all the current message classes.
+ */
 enum UBXMessageClass
-    UBXMsgClassNAV = 0x01, // Navigation Results: Position, Speed, Time, Acc, Heading, DOP, SVs used
-    UBXMsgClassRXM = 0x02, // Receiver Manager Messages: Satellite Status, RTC Status
-    UBXMsgClassINF = 0x04, // Information Messages: Printf-Style Messages, with IDs such as Error, Warning, Notice
-    UBXMsgClassACK = 0x05, // Ack/Nack Messages: as replies to CFG Input Messages
-    UBXMsgClassCFG = 0x06, // Configuration Input Messages: Set Dynamic Model, Set DOP Mask, Set Baud Rate, etc.
-    UBXMsgClassMON = 0x0A, // Monitoring Messages: Comunication Status, CPU Load, Stack Usage, Task Status
-    UBXMsgClassAID = 0x0B, // AssistNow Aiding Messages: Ephemeris, Almanac, other A-GPS data input
-    UBXMsgClassTIM = 0x0D, // Timing Messages: Time Pulse Output, Timemark Results
-    UBXMsgClassLOG = 0x21, // Logging Messages: Log creation, deletion, info and retrieval
-    UBXMsgClassInvalid = 255
+    UBXMsgClassNAV = 0x01, //!< Navigation Results: Position, Speed, Time, Acc, Heading, DOP, SVs used
+    UBXMsgClassRXM = 0x02, //!< Receiver Manager Messages: Satellite Status, RTC Status
+    UBXMsgClassINF = 0x04, //!< Information Messages: Printf-Style Messages, with IDs such as Error, Warning, Notice
+    UBXMsgClassACK = 0x05, //!< Ack/Nack Messages: as replies to CFG Input Messages
+    UBXMsgClassCFG = 0x06, //!< Configuration Input Messages: Set Dynamic Model, Set DOP Mask, Set Baud Rate, etc.
+    UBXMsgClassMON = 0x0A, //!< Monitoring Messages: Comunication Status, CPU Load, Stack Usage, Task Status
+    UBXMsgClassAID = 0x0B, //!< AssistNow Aiding Messages: Ephemeris, Almanac, other A-GPS data input
+    UBXMsgClassTIM = 0x0D, //!< Timing Messages: Time Pulse Output, Timemark Results
+    UBXMsgClassLOG = 0x21, //!< Logging Messages: Log creation, deletion, info and retrieval
+    UBXMsgClassInvalid = 255 //!< Default invalid message class
+ *  \enum UBXMessageId
+ *  \brief UBXMessageId is a  type of messages
+ */
 enum UBXMessageId
-    UBXMsgIdACK_NACK = 0x00,
-    UBXMsgIdACK_ACK = 0x01,
-    UBXMsgIdAID_ALM = 0x30,
-    UBXMsgIdAID_ALPSRV = 0x32,
-    UBXMsgIdAID_ALP = 0x50,
-    UBXMsgIdAID_AOP = 0x33,
-    UBXMsgIdAID_DATA = 0x10,
-    UBXMsgIdAID_EPH = 0x31,
-    UBXMsgIdAID_HUI = 0x02,
-    UBXMsgIdAID_INI = 0x01,
-    UBXMsgIdAID_REQ = 0x00,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_ANT = 0x13,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_CFG = 0x09,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_DAT = 0x06,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_GNSS = 0x3E,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_INF = 0x02,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_ITFM = 0x39,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_LOGFILTER = 0x47,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_MSG = 0x01,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_NAV5 = 0x24,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_NAVX5 = 0x23,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_NMEA = 0x17,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_NVS = 0x22,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_PM2 = 0x3B,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_PRT = 0x00,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_RATE = 0x08,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_RINV = 0x34,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_RST = 0x04,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_RXM = 0x11,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_SBAS = 0x16,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_TP5 = 0x31,
-    UBXMsgIdCFG_USB = 0x1B,
-    UBXMsgIdINF_DEBUG = 0x04,
-    UBXMsgIdINF_ERROR = 0x00,
-    UBXMsgIdINF_NOTICE = 0x02,
-    UBXMsgIdINF_TEST = 0x03,
-    UBXMsgIdINF_WARNING = 0x01,
-    UBXMsgIdLOG_CREATE = 0x07,
-    UBXMsgIdLOG_ERASE = 0x03,
-    UBXMsgIdLOG_INFO = 0x08,
-    UBXMsgIdLOG_RETRIEVE = 0x09,
-    UBXMsgIdLOG_STRING = 0x04,
-    UBXMsgIdMON_HW2 = 0x0B,
-    UBXMsgIdMON_HW = 0x09,
-    UBXMsgIdMON_IO = 0x02,
-    UBXMsgIdMON_MSGPP = 0x06,
-    UBXMsgIdMON_RXBUF = 0x07,
-    UBXMsgIdMON_RXR = 0x21,
-    UBXMsgIdMON_TXBUF = 0x08,
-    UBXMsgIdMON_VER = 0x04,
-    UBXMsgIdNAV_AOPSTATUS = 0x60,
-    UBXMsgIdNAV_CLOCK = 0x22,
-    UBXMsgIdNAV_DGPS = 0x31,
-    UBXMsgIdNAV_DOP = 0x04,
-    UBXMsgIdNAV_POSECEF = 0x01,
-    UBXMsgIdNAV_POSLLH = 0x02,
-    UBXMsgIdNAV_PVT = 0x07,
-    UBXMsgIdNAV_SBAS = 0x32,
-    UBXMsgIdNAV_SOL = 0x06,
-    UBXMsgIdNAV_STATUS = 0x03,
-    UBXMsgIdNAV_SVINFO = 0x30,
-    UBXMsgIdNAV_TIMEGPS = 0x20,
-    UBXMsgIdNAV_TIMEUTC = 0x21,
-    UBXMsgIdNAV_VELECEF = 0x11,
-    UBXMsgIdNAV_VELNED = 0x12,
-    UBXMsgIdRXM_ALM = 0x30,
-    UBXMsgIdRXM_EPH = 0x31,
-    UBXMsgIdRXM_PMREQ = 0x41,
-    UBXMsgIdRXM_RAW = 0x10,
-    UBXMsgIdRXM_SFRB = 0x11,
-    UBXMsgIdRXM_SVSI = 0x20,
-    UBXMsgIdTIM_TM2 = 0x03,
-    UBXMsgIdTIM_TP = 0x01,
-    UBXMsgIdTIM_VRFY = 0x06,
-    MsgIdInvalid = 0xFF
+    UBXMsgIdACK_NACK = 0x00, //!< Message Acknowledged
+    UBXMsgIdACK_ACK = 0x01, //!< Message Not-Acknowledged
+    UBXMsgIdAID_ALM = 0x30, //!< GPS Aiding Almanac Data
+    UBXMsgIdAID_ALPSRV = 0x32, //!< AlmanacPlus data
+    UBXMsgIdAID_ALP = 0x50, //!< ALP file data transfer
+    UBXMsgIdAID_AOP = 0x33, //!< AssistNow Autonomous data
+    UBXMsgIdAID_DATA = 0x10, //!< GPS Initial Aiding Data
+    UBXMsgIdAID_EPH = 0x31, //!< GPS Aiding Ephemeris Data
+    UBXMsgIdAID_HUI = 0x02, //!< GPS Health, UTC and ionosphere parameters
+    UBXMsgIdAID_INI = 0x01, //!< Aiding position, time, frequency, clock drift
+    UBXMsgIdAID_REQ = 0x00, //!< Sends a poll (AID-DATA) for all GPS Aiding Data
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_ANT = 0x13, //!< Antenna Control Settings
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_CFG = 0x09, //!< Clear, Save and Load configurations
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_DAT = 0x06, //!< Datum Setting
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_GNSS = 0x3E, //!< GNSS system configuration
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_INF = 0x02, //!< Information message configuration
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_ITFM = 0x39, //!< Jamming/Interference Monitor configuration.
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_LOGFILTER = 0x47, //!< Data Logger Configuration
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_MSG = 0x01, //!< Message Configuration
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_NAV5 = 0x24, //!< Navigation Engine Settings
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_NAVX5 = 0x23, //!< Navigation Engine Expert Settings
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_NMEA = 0x17, //!< NMEA protocol configuration
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_NVS = 0x22, //!< Clear, Save and Load non-volatile storage data
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_PM2 = 0x3B, //!< Extended Power Management configuration
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_PRT = 0x00, //!< Ports Configuration
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_RATE = 0x08, //!< Navigation/Measurement Rate Settings
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_RINV = 0x34, //!< Contents of Remote Inventory
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_RST = 0x04, //!< Reset Receiver / Clear Backup Data Structures
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_RXM = 0x11, //!< RXM configuration
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_SBAS = 0x16, //!< SBAS Configuration
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_TP5 = 0x31, //!< Time Pulse Parameters
+    UBXMsgIdCFG_USB = 0x1B, //!< USB Configuration
+    UBXMsgIdINF_DEBUG = 0x04, //!< ASCII String output, indicating debug output
+    UBXMsgIdINF_ERROR = 0x00, //!< ASCII String output, indicating an error
+    UBXMsgIdINF_NOTICE = 0x02, //!< ASCII String output, with informational contents
+    UBXMsgIdINF_TEST = 0x03, //!< ASCII String output, indicating test output
+    UBXMsgIdINF_WARNING = 0x01, //!< ASCII String output, indicating a warning
+    UBXMsgIdLOG_CREATE = 0x07, //!< Create Log File
+    UBXMsgIdLOG_ERASE = 0x03, //!< Erase Logged Data
+    UBXMsgIdLOG_FINDTIME = 0x0E, //!< Find the index of the first log entry <= given time
+    UBXMsgIdLOG_INFO = 0x08, //!< Log information
+    UBXMsgIdLOG_RETRIEVEPOS = 0x0B, //!< Position fix log entry
+    UBXMsgIdLOG_RETRIEVESTRING = 0x0D, //!< Byte string log entry
+    UBXMsgIdLOG_RETRIEVE = 0x09, //!< Request log data
+    UBXMsgIdLOG_STRING = 0x04, //!< Store arbitrary string in on-board Flash memory
+    UBXMsgIdMON_HW2 = 0x0B, //!< Extended Hardware Status
+    UBXMsgIdMON_HW = 0x09, //!< Hardware Status
+    UBXMsgIdMON_IO = 0x02, //!< I/O Subsystem Status
+    UBXMsgIdMON_MSGPP = 0x06, //!< Message Parse and Process Status
+    UBXMsgIdMON_RXBUF = 0x07, //!< Receiver Buffer Status
+    UBXMsgIdMON_RXR = 0x21, //!< Receiver Status Information
+    UBXMsgIdMON_TXBUF = 0x08, //!< Transmitter Buffer Status
+    UBXMsgIdMON_VER = 0x04, //!< Receiver/Software Version
+    UBXMsgIdNAV_AOPSTATUS = 0x60, //!< AssistNow Autonomous Status
+    UBXMsgIdNAV_CLOCK = 0x22, //!< Clock Solution
+    UBXMsgIdNAV_DGPS = 0x31, //!< DGPS Data Used for NAV
+    UBXMsgIdNAV_DOP = 0x04, //!< Dilution of precision
+    UBXMsgIdNAV_POSECEF = 0x01, //!< Position Solution in ECEF
+    UBXMsgIdNAV_POSLLH = 0x02, //!< Geodetic Position Solution
+    UBXMsgIdNAV_PVT = 0x07, //!< Navigation Position Velocity Time Solution
+    UBXMsgIdNAV_SBAS = 0x32, //!< SBAS Status Data
+    UBXMsgIdNAV_SOL = 0x06, //!< Navigation Solution Information
+    UBXMsgIdNAV_STATUS = 0x03, //!< Receiver Navigation Status
+    UBXMsgIdNAV_SVINFO = 0x30, //!< Space Vehicle Information
+    UBXMsgIdNAV_TIMEGPS = 0x20, //!< GPS Time Solution
+    UBXMsgIdNAV_TIMEUTC = 0x21, //!< UTC Time Solution
+    UBXMsgIdNAV_VELECEF = 0x11, //!< Velocity Solution in ECEF
+    UBXMsgIdNAV_VELNED = 0x12, //!< Velocity Solution in NED
+    UBXMsgIdRXM_ALM = 0x30, //!< GPS Constellation Almanac Data
+    UBXMsgIdRXM_EPH = 0x31, //!< GPS Constellation Ephemeris Data
+    UBXMsgIdRXM_PMREQ = 0x41, //!< Requests a Power Management task
+    UBXMsgIdRXM_RAW = 0x10, //!< Raw Measurement Data
+    UBXMsgIdRXM_SFRB = 0x11, //!< Subframe Buffer
+    UBXMsgIdRXM_SVSI = 0x20, //!< SV Status Info
+    UBXMsgIdTIM_TM2 = 0x03, //!< Time mark data
+    UBXMsgIdTIM_TP = 0x01, //!< Time Pulse Timedata
+    UBXMsgIdTIM_VRFY = 0x06, //!< Sourced Time Verification
+    MsgIdInvalid = 0xFF //!< Default invalid message identificator
+ * \enum UBXResetMode
+ * \brief UBXResetMode describes possible reset modes
+ *        for #UBXCFG_RST message.
+ */
 enum UBXResetMode
-    UBXHardwareReset = 0x00, // Hardware reset (Watchdog) immediately
-    UBXControlledReset = 0x01, // Controlled Software reset
-    UBXControlledResetGNSSOnly = 0x02, //Controlled Software reset (GNSS only)
-    UBXHardwareResetAfterShutdown = 0x04, //Hardware reset (Watchdog) after
-    UBXControlledGNSSStop = 0x08, //Controlled GNSS stop
-    UBXControlledGNSSStart = 0x09 //Controlled GNSS start
+    UBXHardwareReset = 0x00, //!< Hardware reset (Watchdog) immediately
+    UBXControlledReset = 0x01, //!< Controlled Software reset
+    UBXControlledResetGNSSOnly = 0x02, //!< Controlled Software reset (GNSS only)
+    UBXHardwareResetAfterShutdown = 0x04, //!< Hardware reset (Watchdog) after
+    UBXControlledGNSSStop = 0x08, //!< Controlled GNSS stop
+    UBXControlledGNSSStart = 0x09 //!< Controlled GNSS start
+ * \enum UBXBBRSpecialSets
+ * \brief UBXBBRSpecialSets implements special sets for
+ *        #UBXCFG_RST message.
+ */
 enum UBXBBRSpecialSets
-    UBXBBRHotStart = 0x0000,
-    UBXBBRWarmStart = 0x0001,
-    UBXBBRColdStart = 0xFFFF
+    UBXBBRHotstart = 0x0000, //!< Hotstart
+    UBXBBRWarmstart = 0x0001, //!< Warmstart
+    UBXBBRColdstart = 0xFFFF //!< Coldstart
+ * \enum UBXBBRMask
+ * \brief UBXBBRMask implements members for BBR bitmask
+ *        for #UBXCFG_RST message.
+ */
 enum UBXBBRMask
-    UBXBBReph = 1, //Ephemeris
-    UBXBBRalm = 1 << 1, //Almanac
-    UBXBBRhealth = 1 << 2, //Health
-    UBXBBRklob = 1 << 3, //Klobuchar parameters
-    UBXBBRpos = 1 << 4, //Position
-    UBXBBRclkd = 1 << 5, //Clock Drift
-    UBXBBRosc = 1 << 6, //Oscillator Parameter
-    UBXBBRutc = 1 << 7, //UTC Correction + GPS Leap Seconds Parameters
-    UBXBBRrtc = 1 << 8, //RTC
-    UBXBBRsfdr = 1 << 11, //SFDR Parameters
-    UBXBBRvmon = 1 << 12, //SFDR Vehicle Monitoring Parameters
-    UBXBBRtct = 1 << 13, //TCT Parameters
-    UBXBBRaop = 1 << 15 //Autonomous Orbit Parameters
+    UBXBBReph = 1, //!< Ephemeris
+    UBXBBRalm = 1 << 1, //!< Almanac
+    UBXBBRhealth = 1 << 2, //!< Health
+    UBXBBRklob = 1 << 3, //!< Klobuchar parameters
+    UBXBBRpos = 1 << 4, //!< Position
+    UBXBBRclkd = 1 << 5, //!< Clock Drift
+    UBXBBRosc = 1 << 6, //!< Oscillator Parameter
+    UBXBBRutc = 1 << 7, //!< UTC Correction + GPS Leap Seconds Parameters
+    UBXBBRrtc = 1 << 8, //!< RTC
+    UBXBBRsfdr = 1 << 11, //!< SFDR Parameters
+    UBXBBRvmon = 1 << 12, //!< SFDR Vehicle Monitoring Parameters
+    UBXBBRtct = 1 << 13, //!< TCT Parameters
+    UBXBBRaop = 1 << 15 //!< Autonomous Orbit Parameters
+ * \enum UBXHUIFlags
+ * \brief UBXHUIFlags implements HUI flags bitmask
+ *        for #UBXAID_HUI message.
+ */
 enum UBXHUIFlags
-    UBXHUIHealthValid = 1,
-    UBXHUIUTCValid = 1 << 1,
-    UBXHUIKlobValid = 1 << 2
+    UBXHUIHealthValid = 1, //!< Healthmask field in this message is valid
+    UBXHUIUTCValid = 1 << 1, //!< UTC parameter fields in this message are valid
+    UBXHUIKlobValid = 1 << 2 //!< Klobuchar parameter fields in this message are valid
+ * \enum UBXINItmCfg
+ * \brief UBXINItmCfg implements Time mark configuration bitmask
+ *        for #UBXAID_INI message.
+ */
 enum UBXINItmCfg
-    UBXINIfEdge = 1 << 1,
-    UBXINItm1 = 1 << 4,
-    UBXINIf1 = 1 << 6
+    UBXINIfEdge = 1 << 1, //!< Use falling edge (default rising)
+    UBXINItm1 = 1 << 4, //!< Time mark on extint 1 (default extint 0)
+    UBXINIf1 = 1 << 6 //!< Frequency on extint 1 (default extint 0)
+ * \enum UBXINIFlags
+ * \brief UBXINIFlags implements INI flags bitmask
+ *        for #UBXAID_INI message.
+ */
 enum UBXINIFlags
-    UBXINIpos = 1,
-    UBXINItime = 1 << 1,
-    UBXINIclockD = 1 << 2,
-    UBXINItp = 1 << 3,
-    UBXINIclockF = 1 << 4,
-    UBXINIlla = 1 << 5,
-    UBXINIaltInv = 1 << 6,
-    UBXINIprevTm = 1 << 7,
-    UBXINIutc = 1 << 10
+    UBXINIpos = 1, //!< Position is valid
+    UBXINItime = 1 << 1, //!< Time is valid
+    UBXINIclockD = 1 << 2, //!< Clock drift data contains valid clock drift, must not be set together with clockF
+    UBXINItp = 1 << 3, //!< Use time pulse
+    UBXINIclockF = 1 << 4, //!< Clock drift data contains valid frequency, must not be set together with clockD
+    UBXINIlla = 1 << 5, //!< Position is given in lat/long/alt (default is ECEF)
+    UBXINIaltInv = 1 << 6, //!< Altitude is not valid, in case lla was set
+    UBXINIprevTm = 1 << 7, //!< Use time mark received before AID-INI message (default uses mark received after message)
+    UBXINIutc = 1 << 10 //!< Time is given as UTC date/time (default is GPS wno/tow)
 enum UBXANTFlags
@@ -739,6 +787,18 @@ enum UBXVRFYFlagsSource
 #pragma pack(push,1)
+/*! \struct UBXHdr
+ *  \brief This structure is UBX message header
+ *  \var UBXHdr::msgClass
+ *       Message class. A class is a grouping of messages which are related to each other.
+ *       See #UBXMessageClass
+ *  \var UBXHdr::msgId
+ *       Message identificator. See #UBXMessageId
+ *  \var UBXHdr::length
+ *       Length is defined as being the length of the payload, only. It does not include
+ *       Sync Chars, Length Field, Class, ID or CRC fields. The number format of the
+ *       length field is an unsigned 16-Bit integer in Little Endian Format.
+ */
 struct UBXHdr {
     UBXU1_t msgClass;
     UBXU1_t msgId;
@@ -1962,6 +2022,10 @@ struct UBXTIM_VRFY {
     UBXU1_t reserved1;
+/*! \union UBXMsgs
+ *  \brief This union contains all possible payloads
+ *         in current protocol version
+ */
 union UBXMsgs
@@ -2087,6 +2151,17 @@ union UBXMsgs
+/*! \struct UBXAlpFileInfo
+ *  \brief This structure contains data of alpfile
+ *       It's simple wrapper on byte array with file id
+ *       specification
+ *  \var UBXAlpFileInfo::fileId
+ *       File id used to indetificate part appurtenance
+ *  \var UBXMsg::alpData
+ *       Part of file data
+ *  \var UBXMsg::dataSize
+ *       Size of part in bytes
+ */
 struct UBXAlpFileInfo
     int fileId;
@@ -2094,6 +2169,17 @@ struct UBXAlpFileInfo
     int dataSize;
+/*! \struct UBXMsg
+ *  \brief This structure is base for every message in
+ *       UBX protocol
+ *  \var UBXMsg::preamble
+ *       preable of UBX message is allways 0xB562
+ *  \var UBXMsg::hdr
+ *       UBX message header of #UBXHdr type.
+ *  \var UBXMsg::payload
+ *       Union of #UBXMsgs type that contains all possible payloads
+ *       for current protocol version
+ */
 struct UBXMsg
     u_int16_t preamble;
@@ -2101,6 +2187,14 @@ struct UBXMsg
     union UBXMsgs payload;
+/*! \struct UBXMsgBuffer
+ *  \brief This structure is used by every message getters
+ *         to wrap returned message data.
+ *  \var UBXMsgBuffer::size
+ *       size of buffer
+ *  \var UBXMsgBuffer::data
+ *       pointer to data heap
+ */
 struct UBXMsgBuffer
     int size;