@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ void CommitGraph::addHead(const GitOid &oid)
- QList<GitOid> openedBranches;
qDebug() << "Update Y coordinate after head added";
for(int i = 0; i < m_sortedPoints.count(); i++) {
GraphPoint* point = static_cast<GraphPoint*>(m_sortedPoints.at(i));
@@ -44,25 +43,13 @@ void CommitGraph::addHead(const GitOid &oid)
GitCommit *commit = GitCommit::fromOid(point->oid());
git_commit* commitRaw = nullptr;
int parentCount = git_commit_parentcount(commit->raw());
- int minX = point->x();
- for(int j = 0; j < parentCount; j++) {
+ for(int j = 0; j < parentCount; j++) {//Add connection to parent in case if count of parents > 1
git_commit_parent(&commitRaw, commit->raw(), j);
GitOid oidParent(git_commit_id(commitRaw), oid.repository());
GraphPoint* parentPoint = m_points.value(oidParent);
- int x = parentPoint->x() + parentPoint->childPointsCount();
- qDebug() << "MinX = " << minX << " x:" << x;
- if(parentPoint->childPoints().indexOf(point) < 0) {
- minX = x;
-// if(x > minX) {
-// }
- point->setX(minX);
- }
qDebug() << "New commit: " << point->oid().toString() << point->x() << point->y();
- point->setX(minX);
@@ -103,19 +90,16 @@ void CommitGraph::addCommits(QList<GitOid>& reversList)
if(parentPoint == nullptr) {
parentPoint = new GraphPoint(parentIter, this);
- m_sortedPoints.append(parentPoint);
+ m_sortedPoints.prepend(parentPoint);
m_points.insert(parentPoint->oid(), parentPoint);
point = m_points.value(childIter, nullptr);
if(point == nullptr) {
int parentPosition = m_sortedPoints.indexOf(parentPoint);
-// int x = parentPoint->x() + parentPoint->childPointsCount();
-// point = new GraphPoint(childIter, x, 0, m_color, this);
- point = new GraphPoint(childIter, 0, 0, m_color, this);
+ int x = parentPoint->x() + parentPoint->childPointsCount();
+ point = new GraphPoint(childIter, x, 0, m_color, this);
m_points.insert(point->oid(), point);
-// parentPoint->addChildPoint(point);
//Ordered commits
if(parentPosition >= 0) {
m_sortedPoints.insert(parentPosition + 1, point);
@@ -123,5 +107,9 @@ void CommitGraph::addCommits(QList<GitOid>& reversList)
// qDebug() << "New commit: " << point->oid().toString() << point->x() << point->y();
// qDebug() << "New commit parent: " << parentPoint->oid().toString() << parentPoint->x() << parentPoint->y();
+ if(point) { //add child point in any case
+ parentPoint->addChildPoint(point);
+ }