import QtQuick 2.11 import QtQuick.Window 2.11 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 Window { id: window visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Hello World") QtObject{ id: d property int screenCount: 0 property var images: [] } Item{ id: source width: parent.width height: parent.height // Simple Animation Rectangle{ id: rect width: 20 height: 20 x: 10 y: 10 color: "black" radius: width visible: true } SequentialAnimation{ id: moveAnimation running: true loops: Animation.Infinite PropertyAnimation{target: rect; property: "x"; from: 10; to: source.width - rect.width - 10; duration: 1000} PropertyAnimation{target: rect; property: "y"; from: 10; to: source.height - rect.height - 10; duration: 1000/*; easing.type: Easing.OutCirc*/} PropertyAnimation{target: rect; property: "x"; from: source.width - rect.width - 10; to: 10; duration: 1000/*; easing.type: Easing.OutCirc*/} PropertyAnimation{target: rect; property: "y"; from: source.height - rect.height - 10; to: 0; duration: 1000/*; easing.type: Easing.OutCirc*/} } Image { id: img anchors.fill: parent mipmap: true asynchronous: true visible: false } MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { timeToScreenShoot.stop() moveAnimation.stop() rect.visible = false img.visible = true timeToAnimate.start() } } // Rectangle{ // id: rect // width: parent.width // height: parent.height // color: "#49cc19" // Rectangle{ // id: btn // anchors.centerIn: parent // width: parent.width / 2 // height: parent.height / 2 // radius: width / 3 // Text { // id: btnText // text: qsTr("Yo!") // font.pointSize: 40 // color: "black" // anchors.centerIn: parent // } // MouseArea{ // id: mouseArea // anchors.fill: parent // onPressed: { // btn.scale = 0.9 // btnShadow.scale = 0.9 // btnText.text = "Clicked" // } // onReleased: { // btn.scale = 1 // btnShadow.scale = 1 // btnText.text = "Yo!" // } // } // } // DropShadow{ // id: btnShadow // anchors.fill: btn // horizontalOffset: 3 // verticalOffset: 13 // radius: 8.0 // samples: 17 // color: "#80000000" // source: btn // } // } } // source item // ShaderEffectSource{ // id: sourceShader // visible: false // Do not render it (will only be rendered when called grapToImage() // sourceItem: source // width: source.width // height: source.height // live: false // Will only be updated, when explicitly called for // function save() { // scheduleUpdate() // explicitly update. grabToImage() will force rendering afterwards. // sourceShader.grabToImage(function(result) { // d.images.push(result) // }) // } // } Timer{ id: timeToScreenShoot interval: 25 repeat: true running: true onTriggered: { // source.grabToImage(function(result) { // d.images.push(result) }) } } Timer{ id: timeToAnimate property int current: 0 interval: 25 repeat: true running: false onTriggered: { if(current > d.images.length) current = 0 img.source = d.images[current++].url } } }